Document Type : Scientific-research


PhD in Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.


Criticizing and rejecting the Western metaphysical tradition, which is searching for an absolute notion of Truth, Rorty describes the truth of beliefs as relative and dependent on the context of their origin. On the other hand, Allameh Tabatabai, with fundamentally metaphysical thinking, with an innovative theory in the tradition of Islamic philosophy, considers some valid perceptions in the sphere of "action", namely, "Etebari perceptions," which, he specified, play the main role in realizing the evolution of humans' life. Unlike true perceptions, Etebari perceptions are relative and constantly evolving depending on environmental and social conditions. With a comparative-analytical approach, this essay will show that Allameh's " Etebari perceptions" theory has a significant affinity with Rorty's view on "relative truths." Although Rorty, different from Allameh, does not leave room for the absolute notion of Truth, this essay will propose a possibility of the congruence and compatibility of the thoughts of these two philosophers by analyzing this difference.
