Cell theory of Morality by insisting on Votes Tabatabai

Document Type : Scientific-research


There are various theories in the field of meta-ethics and said moral principles in the all is universal or not universal. but writer in the query has tried to open a third way ; a third way in which the morality is treated as a living cell , including the core and cytoplasm, that their presence in the context of religion and eco biology - system and the kind of human. The moral cell in all context - and the system inclusion non reduction universal hard core, but the core due to the religion and and eco biology - system and the kind of human is different ; This is the basic question : How can ethics for Tabatabai is universal and not universal? Results of this research is Allama tabatabai cell theory include three diverse cores, and Cell theory of Morality for Tabatabai is not nothing like the theory of moral relativism.


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