The Meaning of Life in the Realm of Ethics: A Survey of Wittgenstein's Philosophy

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Doctoral student of Philosophy of Art, Faculty of Art, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Art, Jihad University, Tehran, Iran (Responsible Author)

3 Professor of Art Research Department, Faculty of Art, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


The concept of ethics, as one of the key and simultaneously most challenging issues in the realm of human teachings, has always been the subject of attention and investigation. Examining ethical principles and rules and developing multiple theories in this field, in order to find the best model of life, is considered one of the most important man’s intellectual endeavors. The present study explores Ludwig Wittgenstein's views in the field of ethics, considering his existential approach, and provides a fresh interpretation of the path to the attainment of a meaningful life in the realm of ethics. Based on the analysis of the concept of bioethics in Wittgenstein's philosophy, it is specifically argued that an ethical and meaningful life, according to him, is based on the exercise of moral will and the solution of the puzzle of life, both of which require adopting a special perspective towards the world. In this perspective, the world is perceived in an eternal domain.


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