The Sovereignty of Divine Names and their Topography in the Mysticism of Ibn Arabi

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Faculty member, Department of Islamic Mysticism, Faculty of Religions, University of Religions and Religions, Qom, Iran

2 Doctoral student of Islamic Mysticism and Imam's Thought (RA), Department of Islamic Mysticism, Faculty of Religions, University of Religions and Religions, Qom, Iran (Responsible Author)


As all possible beings have a special order, determination, and emergence, each of these determinations is governed by a noun that is the origin of its emergence. It is the sovereign name that determines and governs the being’s manifestation.  In the system of creation, by the grace of the Almighty, there is a name ruling over this world and the hereafter, over the past, and over the laws revealed by the Divinity. These ruling names have governments which are endless for some and finite for some others. The names whose governments end are subordinated to other names or return to the essence of Supreme Being. The name that governs a human being is also the ruling and dominant
name among his constant names, which is referred to as his "straight path". Therefore, the right path seeker, by taking on or determining and annihilating in his ruling name can achieve his levels of perfection. Of course, due to the comprehensiveness of the human species, in any order or in any world, man is also influenced by the ruling names in the order of the creation system. Among all names, the Exalted Name “Allah” belongs to the domain of the perfect man who is the epicenter of totality of all the names of God's beauty and glory; in this domain, no name prevails another, and this perfect divine body is in extreme moderation of all names. This ancient and eternal position is exclusive and limited to the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h). Therefore, the perfect human being, in accordance with his divine essence is the origin, reference and medium of the appearance of all the sovereign names and has the position of sovereignty and lordship over them, and is the absolute caliph of the Most High in all levels of existence.


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