The Process of Issuing the Action from Ghazali's Perspective

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD student in the field of Islamic philosophy and theology, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran (corresponding author)


Adopting a descriptive-analytical method, the present study deals with issuing action from Ghazali’s point of view. Consistent with his different perspectives that he assumes, research in the field of Ghazalian studies enjoys coherence and has the quality of opening different windows of insight into the stages of the process of issuing action. As examples, we can refer to involuntary promise and the lack of inconsistency between Ghazali’s topics of discussion with those of the intellectual pillars of psychology. He has stablished the infrastructure of the intellectual pillars of psychology and the structure of action in his early works. He has explained the apparent conflict of his theory of inaccessibility of the essence of things and the philosophical definition of man in Ma'arej al-Quds. The current structure of man, from the deep to the surface structure, is the scientific position of choosing the end, creating enthusiasm through the sensual powers and the power of anger (willful action), or through the power of knowledge (volitional action). Willful enthusiasm belongs to the animal stage and volitional enthusiasm to the stage of man. Its surface structure consists of motor muscles. The necessitas of actualization of choosing the end and non-volitional minds in both mystical and philosophical approaches is reaching the position of dogmatism according to the rank of each human being, which explains the apparent contradiction between opinion and action. Applying will to the structure of action indicates the role of will in performing optional and obligatory actions.


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