The doctrine of the immortality of infidels in the doom of hell: A study of the theories of Feyz Kashani and Allameh Tabatabai

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Faculty member of Shahid Beheshti University

2 Graduate student of Zanjan University


AbstractIn a rational approach to the afterworld, there are questions beyond reason that confront theologians and mystics and philosophers, which is one of the issues discussed in the resurrection and later life. Serious theologians, philosophers, and commentators are in charge of the quality of punishment and divine punishment for human actions .In the meantime, the amount of punishment and the duration of the punishment in the torment has affected most of the minds, because in Islam some of the sins of immortality have been punished and many verses of the Holy Quran have confirmed this .But the argument here is whether eternity in Hell will cause eternity in torment or whether the two immortals are at odds with one another .The vast majority of Islamic theologians and commentators, including the Imamiyyah, Ash'arites, and Mu'tazilites, have believed in the eternity of punishment for some inferno.There is a similar belief among Muslim philosophers, but among them Ibn al-'Arabi and his followers have a particular justification for retribution; they have used this argument differently for rational and transmutative reasons. Among the philosophers, commentators and traditions, Mulla Mohsen Feiz Kashani's theory is discussed and since Mullah Kashani is one of the influencers of Ibn Arabi's theory in this issue, we are trying to express Ibn Arabi's viewpoint.We are here to analyze the theory of Faiz Kashani in this regard. In short, it can be stated that the late Faiz, following Ibn Arabi, insisted on not being eternally tormented and saw no relation between eternity in hell and eternity in retribution; For all beings, the torment of the immortals in Hell is for a certain period of time, and then the Hell will enjoy a different kind of heavenly blessings that is proportionate to their temperament   


نهج البلاغه
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