The possibility of the occurrence of a special divine act in the world

Document Type : Scientific-research


Faculty Member of Shahid Beheshti University Basic Science and Technology Research Institute (Corresponding Author)


When a natural disaster, such as corona, occurs, the question is often asked why God did not intervene to prevent it from happening. In this paper, we address this issue. In specific, the main issue we deal with in the present paper is whether a particular divine act can be carried out in the world. In other words, we raise the question of whether or not the presuppositions of the special divine act in the world and the presupposition of the laws of nature, some of which are causal, are contradictory. In fact, we consider the rationality of the possibility of special divine acts in the world, and we try to consider their implications for the laws of nature, especially the causal laws. In this regard, we make some remarks about causality. It is concluded that the special non-interventionist divine act can be exercised directly in the world, but it can occur in very, very rare cases. 


معصومی، سعید، فصلنامه مطالعات معرفتی در دانشگاه اسلامی، دورة 21، شماره 4، 1396
مطهری، مرتضی، مقدمه و پاورقی در اصول فلسفه و روش رئالیسم، ج3، تهران، سید محمد حسین طباطبایی، صدرا، 1391.
یغمایی، ابوتراب، فصلنامة‌ اندیشة دینی شیراز، دورة 16، شمارة 4، ص144- 131، 1395.
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