Determining the subject of the derivatives of existence principality and the amount of their being innovative, according to the view of Allameh Tabatabai

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 PhD student of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Faculty of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Principality of existence is the most important innovation of mullasadra and the most essential philosophical principle of his transcendental philosophy. This principle has many branches, each of them being a potential innovation. In the meantime, Allameh Tabatabai in "Nehayhat-o-alhekmah" correctly and explicitly discusses about these results precisely after explaining and proving the principality of existence. The study of these derivatives shows that not all of them have the same subject as the principle itself, a problem that can be effective in the innovation of some of them. The possibility of being directly derived from the principle, and not from other principles or by help of other proofs, is another factor for being innovative.


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