The process of accepting articles

The process of accepting articles
1- The submitted articles must be the result of the original and direct scientific activity of the authors of the article and must not have been published or sent simultaneously in magazines or domestic and foreign conferences. Obviously, the consequences of not complying with this issue will be directed at the authors.
2- After sending and registering the article in the system, it is not possible to delete, add or change the order of the names, specifications, email addresses and responsibility of the authors in any way and under any circumstances.
3- Among the authors of the submitted articles, there must be an author with an academic rank (assistant professor, associate professor or professor).
4- It is possible to receive articles electronically and only through the journal's website.
5- Before submitting the article, you must adjust it according to the guide of the authors of the publication, paragraph by paragraph and accurately; Otherwise, the submitted article will be returned to the authors, which will prolong the initial review and the refereeing process.
6- This publication will only communicate with the author responsible for the article and all emails and electronic correspondence will be sent to the email of the author responsible for the article. Any decision made about the article will be sent only to the email of the author responsible for the article; Therefore, the calls and correspondence of other authors of the article will not be answered.
7- There is a fee for publishing an article in this publication. (authors guide)
8- The submitted articles will be sent to the referees of the publication after the initial review, if approved by the editorial board. The refereeing of the submitted articles will be done electronically only, and the result of the refereeing will be communicated to the responsible author of the article by email. The number of referees for each article will be at least 2 people.
9- When submitting the articles, it is necessary to send the letter of commitment and conflict of interest forms and the identification report by the responsible author of the article at the same time. These forms are available from the authors' guide section.
10- This publication does not accept translated articles in any way.
11- After the final registration of the article in the journal system by the responsible author, it will not be possible to change the order and responsibility of the authors of the article and such requests will not be considered; Therefore, dear authors must be very careful when registering article information on the journal's website.
12- The refereeing process in this publication is specialized and time-consuming and requires between five and seven months. Therefore, dear authors, especially students who need to publish an article for their doctoral defense, should be aware of this issue before submitting the article.
13- The possibility of withdrawing the article and canceling its publication is allowed only before sending the article to the referees, and after the start of the refereeing process, it will not be possible to withdraw the article.
14- After sending the article to the referees and starting the refereeing process, the responsible author of the article will be obliged to take appropriate and appropriate actions regarding the e-mails sent by the publication within the announced time frame. Failure to pay attention to the e-mails sent by the journal and the status of the article remaining undecided will cause the article to be rejected, and as a result, all the authors of the article will be blacklisted in the journal, and no articles from them will be accepted in the future.
15- The articles that pass the judging process successfully, after the approval of the editor, will be indexed in the "articles ready for publication" section and will be placed in the queue for publication.