Aims and Scope

Aims and Scope

The history of Muslim civilization attests to the fact that Muslim philosophers and theologians have played a significant role in the formation of intellectual existence of Muslims and in the productivity of Islamic culture and civilization. Acquainting the Islamic society with the thought and ideas of philosophers and theologians in line with the revitalization of the intellectual existence and the formation of modern thought drawing on their experiences.

The Journal of Ayeneh Ma̒refat (آینه معرفت), established in 2001, is a double-blind peer-reviewed quarterly journal, owned, managed & published by Shahid Beheshti University.  The contributors to this journal feel hopeful that they would have their share in the formation and revitalization of Islamic culture and civilization. The journal publishes original research articles that lead to the novel knowledge, innovation and understanding of the field of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Religious Studies, Mysticism, Ethics, and Interdisciplinary Studies in the earlier mentioned fields. The journal scope includes but are not restricted to, the following areas:

  • Islamic Philosophy
  • Islamic Theology
  • Religious Studies
  • Peripatetic Philosophy
  • Illuminative Philosophy
  • Ancient Greece Philosophy
  • Neoplatonic Philosophy
  • Middle Ages Philosophy
  • Contemporary Philosophy
  • Islamic Theology
  • Judaic Theology
  • Christian Theology
  • Mysticism
  • Ethics