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Guide for Authors
- Authors are requested to refrain from submitting articles that do not conform to the journal's guidelines. Only articles written in accordance with these guidelines will be considered for evaluation.
- The decision to publish articles is made by the editorial board and two peer-reviewers.
- Articles must not have been previously published in another journal or submitted for publication simultaneously to other journals.
- For articles submitted by graduate students, the name of the supervisor must be included.
- The journal accepts original research articles related to philosophy, theology, mysticism, ethics, religious studies, and interdisciplinary topics in these fields.
- Authors who intend to submit articles based on their dissertations must include the names of their supervisors and advisors in the “Author Information Section” and “Author Information File.” Articles must not be submitted without the approval of the supervisors.
- All authors must have an ORCID identifier. You can register here:
- It is essential to cite articles published in the Ayeneh Ma‘refat (The Mirror of Knowledge) Journal based on the research topic.
- Author(s) should note that once an article has been submitted and a corresponding author has been assigned, no changes will be accepted to the number of authors, academic positions, or other submitted information. The consequences of any errors in this regard will be the sole responsibility of the author(s).
- Articles can only be submitted through the journal's management system at
- Upon submitting an article, authors must download, complete, and sign the “Commitment” and “Conflict of Interest” forms and submit them along with the article. A separate file should be prepared listing the names of all authors along with their complete affiliations and submitted along with the article (affiliations include: academic position, department, faculty, university/institute, city, country, and academic email and ORCID ID).
- In accordance with the regulations for determining processing fees in scientific journals, this journal charges 1 million IRR for the initial review and evaluation of articles and 5 million IRR for the publication of accepted articles. The corresponding author must pay the fee online according to the specified procedure.
- After final acceptance of the article and before publication, the corresponding author must send the list of references in English and a detailed abstract in Persian and English to the journal's email. This abstract should be 1000 words long and include a concise summary of the article, including the Introduction, Discussion, and Conclusion.
- Article Components
- Title: The title should be concise and fully descriptive of the main research question. The English translation of the title should also be written below the Persian title.
- Abstract (Short): Between 150 and 200 words, including the research objective and key findings, in both Persian and English.
- Detailed English Abstract: Comprising 1000 words, summarizing the content of the article.
- Keywords: Between 3 and 5 words including key terms in the article, in both Persian and English.
- Introduction: In this section, after stating the main problem and providing sufficient literature review, the novelty and necessity of the research should be clearly stated.
- Conclusion: In the conclusion section, the research findings should be presented in one paragraph.
- Notes: Additional explanations that, at the author's discretion, do not appear in the main text.
- Acknowledgments: In this section, which is arranged in a maximum of four lines, institutions and legal persons who have assisted in the guidance or conduct of the research or have played an effective role in providing the budget, facilities, and equipment, can be thanked. In addition, it must be stated in the article whether or not financial assistance was received from an institution or person in the conduct of the research.
- Reference List
Reference list should be formatted according to the American Psychological Association (APA) style guidelines. Here are examples of some common reference types:
- Journal Articles:
Smith, A. B., & Jones, C. D. (2023). The impact of social media on mental health. Journal of Psychology, 54(2), 123-135.
- Translated Articles:
Piaget, J. (1972). Intellectual evolution from adolescence to adulthood (J. Bliss & H. Furth, Trans.). Human Development, 15(1), 1–12. (Original work published 1970)
- Books:
Lee, Y., Kim, J., & Park, H. (2020). Understanding artificial intelligence. Oxford University Press.
- Multi-Volume books:
Harris, K. R., Graham, S., & Urdan T. (Eds.). (2012). APA educational psychology handbook (Vols. 1–3). American Psychological Association.
- Chapter in a Book:
Garcia, L. (2019). The future of education. In S. Miller (Ed.), Education trends and challenges (pp. 101-120). ABC Press.
- Website: List the author or organization responsible for the website content (if available). Then, include the year of publication (if available) in parentheses, the title of the webpage (italicized), and the website address in full.
American Psychological Association. (2020, July). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).
- Additional Notes:
- Indent the second and subsequent lines of each reference by 1 centimeter.
- Alphabetize the reference list by the first author's last name.
- If there are multiple works by the same author(s) in the same year, order them by adding a, b, c letters to the end of the year of publication, e.g. Smith, A. (2023a) ... Smith, A. (2023b).
- All citations should be in English and only within the text of the article.
Example: (Hoseini Eskandian, 2001: 150)
- If an author has multiple publications in the same year, use alphabetical letters after the year to distinguish them.
Example: (Smith, 1998a: 34)
- If there are more than two authors, list the first author's name followed by “et al.”
Example: (‘Abedi et al, 2012:11)
- If citing multiple sources in the text, separate the authors’ names and publication years with semicolons.
Example: (Moradi, 2005: 87; ‘Abedi et al, 2012:11)
- If citing the same source multiple times, do not use “ibid.” Instead, repeat the author’s name and publication year.
- For citing online sources with an identified author, follow this format: (‘Avani, 2011). There is no need to include the page number, day, or month of publication, but it should be included in the reference list. If the online source is anonymous and untitled, use the website name instead of the author's name.
For detailed information and examples, consult the APA Style Manual.
- Font and Size: Use B Nazanin font with a font size of 12 for the main text and 11 for quotations.
- Quotations: Direct quotations more than 40 words should be inserted in separate paragraphs and indented 1.5 centimeters from both sides.
- Figures, Tables, and Charts: Should be drawn on separate pages and numbered sequentially.
- Translation of technical Terms: The English equivalents of technical terms and concepts should be provided in parentheses immediately after their appearance in the Persian text.
- Notes: Use endnotes to provide the reader with complementary notes.
- Diacritics: Use Diacritics for unknown proper names.
- For transliterating Arabic and Persian texts into English, follow IJMES standard, which is available in the following file: