A Comparative Study of Moral Principles in the Qur'an and the Testaments

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 PhD student of Khorramabad Free University

2 Associate Professor, Department of Religions and Mysticism, Islamic Azad University of Khorramabad

3 Assistant Professor of Religions and Mysticism, Islamic Azad University of Khorramabad


One cannot ignore the importance of morality and its role in human happiness. It is because of its importance and the constructive role it plays in human life that both divine and materialistic schools of philosophy have some sort of moral style and philosophy of morality. The shared aspect of these schools of philosophy is that they consider ethics and the style of moral life as distinct and sometimes different from the spiritual and religious life. In some cases, the difference is so great that it has led to the separation of religion from morality, as is the case with Aristotelian ethics and Greek ethics as represented by western thinkers like
*  Islamic Azad University Khorramabad Brach      h_e1718@yahoo.com
**  Islamic Azad University Khorramabad Brach     ali.Fathollahi@yahoo.com
*** Islamic Azad University Khorramabad Brach
  Reception date:  99/9/16                        Acceptance date: 99/10/1
Kant and Machiavelli. As all divine religions share the same essence and are originated from the same source, and if they vary, the difference is due to the divine law which is subject to temporal and spatial conditions. Moreover, life style is consistent with the divine law and rules of divine religions and there is no morality without religion. These are the reasons why we decided to study the moral principles of the divine religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam). The outcomes of the study are very interesting as they evidence the closeness and alignment of moral precepts in all divine religions. It is hoped that other scholars would explore other ethical aspects of the Abrahamic religions. The present study adopted a descriptive analytical method using library resources.


قرآن کریم
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