Examining the Existence and the Nature of "Transcendent Art" from the Perspective of Transcendent Wisdom

Document Type : Scientific-research


Faculty of Ethics and Training, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies (Corresponding Author)


One of the outstanding features of transcendent wisdom is its attention to beauty in fine arts. From the ontological point of view, Mulla Sadra has looked at art and artistic aesthetics and the relationship between love and art and the abilities hidden in art and has dealt with details that are remarkable and contemplative in aesthetics. According to Mulla Sadra's ontological and anthropological assumptions, man has worlds and art, as a subtle human industry, grows and matures in these worlds. In this article, an attempt has been made to explain art and creation as a work of art from the perspective of Mulla Sadra. According to the results of the present study, in Sadra's wisdom, transcendent art makes a person look like a transcendent being. Mulla Sadra looks at art in a general and all-encompassing way and gives it a spiritual and sacred character. Because it connects fine arts and crafts with virtuous love and in fact gives art a valuable, spiritual and sacred place.Mulla Sadra goes a step further in his conception of art and presents his point of view in the form of a single theory which can be called "transcendent imitation".


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