Three Neo-Sadrian Interpretations of Mulla Sadra’s Delineation of Negation of Associating any Partner with God

Document Type : Scientific-research


The faculty member of Kashan University (author of responsible)


In the theoretical mysticism and Islamic philosophy, not associating any partner with God has always been subject to different interpretations. When Muslim philosophers refer to unity, what they mean is negation of associating any partner with God, as the Necessary Existence by Nature (Wajeb-e-Be-ahzat). From Mulla Sadra's point of view, God’s having no partner means that it is impossible to assume God with a partner. This extends to include the other attributes of God, like knowledge, power and thingness. Neo-Sadrian thinkers have proposed different interpretations of Sadra's view of associating a partner with God. The present article is an attempt to explain three Neo-Sadrian interpretations and try to show how close they are to Sadra’s views. Molla Abdollah Zanuzi, and Agha Ali Modarres try to explain Sadra's view based on the distinction between Per Se Existence and Per Accident Existence, or the Owner and property, but Allame Tabatabaee believes that in relation to the attributes that are common to God and humans, God has no partner due to the typicality of instance.


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