Critique and Evaluation of the Foundations of Pinnock's Views on God’s Mutability Based on Imamieh Theology

Document Type : Scientific-research


Ph.D. in Imamia Theology of Quran and Hadith University (Responsible Author)


God's relationship with man (and its requirements) has always been a controversial topic among theologians. One of the most important themes of this topic is "God’s mutability”. Pinnock (one of the founders of open theism) believes that since -according to the Bible - God has always been in contact with the world, and the planning of the changing world logically requires a manager who can have appropriate plans under changing conditions, God must necessarily be mutable. This issue is explained in a different way in Imamieh theology. From the point of view of Imamieh theologians, although God is in contact with the creatures every moment and oversees the planning of the changing world, this does not necessarily lead to His mutability. In fact, God, in spite of being immutable, under some circumstances, may give some things precedence over others. However, these new appearances does not reflect God's essence, but His actions showing the external realization of things. The present paper is an effort to evaluate the foundations of Pinnock's views on God's mutability based on Imamieh theology adopting a descriptive-analytical method.


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