A Comparative Study of the Components of Interpretative Pluralism in Philosophical Hermeneutics and the Inexhaustibility of the Interpretation of the Holy Quran

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 PhD student of Islamic Studies, University of Tehran (corresponding author)

2 Member of the Faculty of Islamic Education and Thought, University of Tehran


Philosophical hermeneutics is one of the theories of interpretation of texts in the West after the Renaissance, which created changes in the epistemological thinking of some modern Muslim thinkers. In addition to its difference in foundations, this theory creates relativism and interpretive pluralism. Neglecting these consequences and accepting this theory, some scholars in the field of interpretation of the Holy Qur'an try to apply interpretative pluralism to the issue of the inexhaustibility of understanding the Holy Qur'an. It is thus necessary to analyze and compare these two theories. The present research aims to investigate interpretative pluralism and find its difference between philosophical hermeneutics and the inexhaustibility of the interpretation of the Holy Quran with an analytical method. The conclusion is that, due to the creation of relativism, following doubt, departing from the literal meanings of the word, and also focusing on the interpreter, interpretative pluralism is fundamentally different from the issue of inexhaustibility in the interpretation of the Holy Qur'an. The two are not compatible with each other, although they have some similarities.


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