Analysis and Conceptual Referential Explanation of Analogy of Priority in the Verses of Creation

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Doctorate in theoretical foundations of Islam, University of Islamic Studies, Qom, Iran (corresponding author)

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Theoretical Foundations of Islam, University of Islamic Education, Qom, Iran


The analogy of priority, which means that the reason for the ruling is strong in the subsidiary and the spread of the original ruling to the subsidiary, is one of the arguments used in the Qur'an. Among the cases for which this rule is used is the proof of a new creation and the return of the creatures’ (humans) in the hereafter. The proof of the return of creatures in the resurrection is one of the examples of this discussion. First and foremost, in order to eliminate the polytheists’ argument of improbability, the Qur'an compares the new creation of beings in the resurrection with the original creation arguing that if God is capable of creating from non-existence, a fortiori, He is capable of restoring a creation that is not prior to non-existence. In this regard, it has also been pointed out that both creations are the same in the eyes of God with none accompanied with more hardships compared to the other. Second, as a proof for the new creation and the restoration of man in the resurrection, the power of creating the heavens and the earth, which is more compatible with the mind of those who deny the resurrection, is prioritized as the middle ground in the analogy. It is argued that when God is capable of creating the heavens and the earth, with its greatness and large parts, a fortiori, is capable of restoring the human being, who is only made of sticky mud and has small parts. Under this analogy, the discussion of the similarity between the worldly and the hereafter body and the objectivity of these two bodies after the soul enters the otherworldly body has been discussed. In the present paper, along with the definition of the analogy of priority, the concept and examples of this type of analogy in the verses of the Qur'an are analyzed and explained.


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