Document Type : Scientific-research


1 PhD student of the Educational Department of Islamic Philosophy and Wisdom of Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin

2 Associate Professor of the Educational Department of Islamic Philosophy and Wisdom of Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin

3 Associate Professor of Psychology Education Department of Imam Khomeini International University Qazvin


Van Deurzen, an existential psychotherapist, by examining the many components of existential therapy, considers self-reflection and self-discovery to be the main component of this attitude. She believes that man, who has a different existence from other creatures and a fluid and dynamic identity, determines his own existence and identity... Mulla Sadra believes that human existence is not limited and exclusive to this world, and has many worlds and spheres of existence, and in each world, it finds a corresponding ecstasy. Man determines Man determines his position in the system of existence with his will and free will And it can become a rational world similar to the objective world by upgrading its existence to the level of rational existence. . Both thinkers concur that humans possess a fluid and dynamic existence and a "self-determining" self. As it comes from the position of the self-discovery component in existential therapy and Sadra's attitude about this component; Sadra's view on self-discovery can be the basis of existential therapy in Iranian-Islamic culture.
