Potentials of Ibn Arabi’s Mystical Doctrines for Elaborating Existential Thinking

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 PhD in Islamic Philosophy, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Wisdom, Philosophy and Logic, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


This paper explores the potentials of Ibn Arabi's teachings for developing a form of existential, non-metaphysical thinking. Metaphysical-conceptual thinking focuses on understanding “existents qua existents” through concepts. In contrast, existential thinking delves into the “reality of existence” itself, questioning its nature. This research proposes that the Islamic intellectual-mystical tradition, particularly Ibn Arabi's work, offers fertile ground for such an approach. The core question of this study is: Can Ibn Arabi's teachings be used to develop a framework for existential thinking that is distinct from metaphysical thought? This framework would offer a new lens for understanding the world and humanity, grounded in Ibn Arabi's rich mystical tradition. We utilize both analytic and axiomatic methods to explore how Ibn Arabi's concepts lead to an existential understanding. According to him, “existential thinking” begins by focusing on the “reality of existence” and opening to it, then, by paying attention to the poverty of existence and focusing on it, man realizes the dignity of his existence and his direct relationship to Being. This shift from the external to the internal allows for the experience of the absolute within the ordinary. Ultimately, this mode of thinking promises a transformed understanding of both self and world.


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