Distinguishing Miracles from Other Extraordinary Occurrences: A Challenge for Ordinary Individuals

Document Type : Scientific-research


Associate Professor of Theology Department, Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute, Qom, Iran.


Miracles, considered the most prominent and universally recognized method for identifying prophets, pose a significant challenge for ordinary, non-infallible individuals. While theologians emphasize the ‘incontestability’ of miracles, the limitations of human knowledge regarding the future cast doubt on the ability to definitively ascertain whether a miracle will remain uncontested in the future. This uncertainty raises questions about the possibility of attaining absolute certainty regarding the miraculous nature of a prophet’s extraordinary acts. This article addresses this challenge through a critical-analytical approach. The key findings of this study suggest that while a miracle must be evident and clear to establish its authenticity, ordinary individuals can assess the miraculous nature of a prophet’s claims by examining the prophet’s background, evaluating the claims themselves against reason and innate understanding, and considering divine wisdom.


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