Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Sahahid Beheshti University, Theology Faculty

2 Shahid Beheshti University, Theology Faculty


The term Divine Saq (Soq' Roboubi) has a very sensitive role in forming the entire mystical ontological structure, and a precise understanding of its position and characteristics will be the basis for understanding other levels of existence. Mulla Sadra was a pioneer in appling this term in his works, and then other commentators followed him and applied it as it has been one of the reputable terms in Islamic mysticism so far. This article aims to analyze the meaning of this word using two approaches of Toshihiko Izutsuin in the school of Ibn Arabi. The first approach is to find the synonyms and equivalents of Divine Saq (Soq' Roboubi), and second is to use the symmetry and combination of words that have a semantic relation to Divine Saq (Soq' Roboubi). One of the outcomes of this article is to define the evolution of Ibn Arabi's thought in the intellectual atmosphere of other Islamic scholars.
