Characteristics of Bayazid Bastami’s Sayings and Teachings: A Comparison with Impressionism

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Department of Persian Language and Literature, Durood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Durood, Iran.

2 persin litrature. Dorod branch, iau,,Dorod,iran.


Philosophy and theology, as the theoretical underpinnings of Islamic thought, offer a unique worldview and understanding of humanity. In many literary and artistic schools, art and literature mutually influence each other. Impressionism, an artistic movement, made its mark on the literary world, giving rise to humanistic works. The cornerstone of Impressionism, much like the Khusrawian wisdom of Bayazid Bastami, is light. This connection aligns him with the hallmarks of Impressionism. This research, employing a descriptive-analytical method, explores the interplay between Sufism and art based on the sayings and teachings of Bayazid. It aims to answer how Impressionistic characteristics are reflected in Bayazid's works. The findings reveal that fundamental Impressionistic features, such as individualism, subjectivism, metaphorical perspective, the use of nature, light and color, and the perception of the moment, are abundantly evident in Bayazid Bastami's statements. Therefore, his style can be categorized as Impressionistic and artistic.


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