Ghazali’s Phenomenological Approach to the Religious Life’s Epistemology

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Department of Islamic Philosophy and Wisdom, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Western Philosophy, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.

3 . Department of Philosophy-Religions and Mysticism, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.


In this research, we are using a descriptive-analytical method to answer that why does Ghazali establish an epistemological system with a taste of phenomenology to deal with the truth of the doctrines of religious life? It seems that Ghazali's skepticism about the validity of the doctrines of religious life and the falsifiability of theoretical reason in this regard leads him to the doctrines of this type of life. This causes Ghazali to deal with Sufism in the context of practical reason to achieve certain knowledge. Therefore, Ghazali's skepticism in the field of common sciences of religious life and deviation from theoretical reason in the context of dogmatic metaphysics leads him to the perceptions of practical reason and ethics and ultimately Sufism. Sufism became a means for Ghazali's serious entry into the field of anagogical exegesis and interpretation of the world of religious life and common texts in this type of life. Therefore, his tendency towards sufism and anagogical exegesis prepared the ground for the phenomenological approach to the aforementioned sciences to organize an intuitive epistemological system in order to prove the truth of the doctrines of religious life.


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