A Study of The Quiddity of Learning Elements and Tools and Their Application Based on Ontological and Epistemological Principles of Transcendental Wisdom

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Department of Education, Theoretical foundations of Islam, University of Tehran, Farabi Pardis Qom. Qom, Iran.

2 . Department of Education , Theoretical foundations of Islam, Islamic Maaref University, Qom, Iran.


Since, according to the ontological principles of transcendental wisdom, the existential nature of knowledge is abstract (non-material), so in the process of perceiving material things, these should be brought closer to the abstract realm of the soul to make acquisition of knowledge easier and more precise. To bring material things closer to the abstract realm of the soul, phenomena that play a subsidiary role in abstracting material things are necessary. Similarly, the existence of sensory organs, such as ears and eyes, and various parts of the brain, are also necessary for perceiving material things. These elements provide the conditions for the realization of perception, which is an abstract entity. Therefore, it is essential to identify all factors that play a role in the real acquisition of educational content, and based on this knowledge, provide the necessary tools for maximum compatibility between the educational content (perceived) and the learner (perceiver) in order to facilitate the learning process.


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