The comparative study of t

Document Type : مقاله کوتاه


In this paper ,we will discuss about the nature of THE HOLY SPIRIT and its functions from the viewpoints of Philo and Paul .According to Philo ,THE HOLY SPIRIT or the divine spirit is only an instrument for communication of God with man and its only function is prophecy ; a function which there was in the Jewish tradition .besides ,Philo combine the divine spirit ,which according to scripture is the cause of prophecy ,with divine inspiration or possession in plato 's philosophy .But according to Paul,the Holy spirit only is not only an effective power ,but it is a person with will, feeling and charity, and the Holy spirit 's functions are the same as its functions in the old Testament ;of course Paul has expanded them.He holds that the Holy spirit has works such as charity peace and benficences.what is important ,is the new meaningwhich Paul gives to the Holy spirit ;He cites the belief in the holy spirit along with the belief in the Jews one God and the Christian belief in Christ and ,in fact provides the ground for the formation of the doctrine of trinity.


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  13. Philo,Leg.ALL=Allegorical Interpretation,I.-
  14. Philo,in Gen=Questions and Answers on Genesis,I,II,III.-
  15. Philo,Heres= Who Is the Heir of Divine Things.-
  16. Philo,Mos=On the Life of Moses,I.-
  17. -Philo,Sac=On the Brith of Abel and the Sacrifice Offered by Him and by His Brother Cain.
  18. -Philo,Spec.Leg=The special Laws I,II,III.
  19. -Philo,Virt=On the Virtues.