Ontology and the effects of believing in celestial world in the Holy Qoran’s verses
Document Type : مقاله کوتاه
One of those learnings which we are familiar with, by the impression of Qoran, is the existence of spiritual worlds for the universe called celestial worlds. According to this theory, analysts of the celestial world believe in a heavenly phase for every creature. Through lexicographers, sages, and Gnostics’ viewpoints and in the Bible, interpretations, and traditions we come up with ideas such these: the celestial world in respect to the actual world is encircled by God and all the beings are acting in the right position by the divinity and mightiness of God; thus it is comprehendible to precisely understand this world and that the most thorough way to reach this is by thinking and acting simultaneously. In ontology’s attitude, celestial worlds are such worlds involving the spirits of beings in actual world and their certain and different ranks. This paper’s main concern is with the possibility of comprehending the nature of this Qoranic learning, then if understood how to prove it, and to state and clarify the necessity of believing in it and its effects on ourselves – insightful effects, and their accepting themes in anthropology, perfection, and ethical tendencies.
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