
Document Type : Scientific-research


Corporal resurrection, and its quality and possibility are among the issues which have been discussed by Islamic philosophers and each of them has tried to create an agreement between intellect and tradition in one way or another. One of these philosophers is Hakim-e Sabzevari who in some of his works has presented rational reasons and reasoning to prove the possibility and occurrence of bodily resurrection and has responded to the doubts put forth about corporal resurrection and its quality. Though Hakim-e Sabzavari does not consider the body which will be united and gathered with the self in resurrection day as an elemental body, but as he gives the originality to self and face of human and not his body, he considers the objectivity of the body gathered in the Hereafter with a worldly body. He considers the body which is united with the self in hereafter a form of elemental body which exists in endless time and is not annihilated with the human death, but it is united with the soul. One of the results of belief in corporal resurrection in the views of Hakim-e Sabzevari is a consistency between intellect and tradition and negation of doubts on corporal resurrection.

Key Words: Corporal Resurrection-Elemental Body- Ideal Body-Coming back of Non-Existent-Metempsychosis


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