The Philosophizing as a journey :Plato in Comparison with Sohrevardi

Document Type : Scientific-research


The conception that each philosopher has about philosophizing, impresses philosophical systematization and his approach to philosophical problems.This conception is like a plan for philosophical systematization. In this essay we compere Plato’s conception with Sohrevardi’s. we select comparison analysis of their definitions of philosophy that is compatible with their philosophical system, because we can understand the conception by definitions of philosophy. Both philosophers consider philosophy as a process and consider it as a transition from multiple world to world of oneness. For both, the outcome of this transition is observation by illumination .In Plato’s point of view, the first stage of this process is wonder, love of wisdom, existential involvement with philosophical problem that dedicated to the analyses of philosopher’s inside. For Plato the transition from multiple world is possible by practice of death while Sohrevardi starts this process with complete separation from universe without the analyses of philosopher’s inside. Assimilation to God being in company with God and becoming eternal are the final goals of philosophy in Plato’s point of view. For Sohrevardi wisdom is unlimited


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