Realism of Illumination ; A Reflection On Truth and Correspondence in the Philosophy of Illumination
Document Type : Scientific-research
The relationship between subject and object is an epistemological issue which determines the realistic or idealistic attitude of philosophers. Among Muslim philosophers, Suhrewardi moves away from Aristotelian realism and proposes a new theory called ‘Resemblance’. Having denied the apprehension of the essence of things through limits, he challenges the essential correspondence and advances the theory of the resemblance of the subject and object with gaining knowledge through trait complexes. Suhrewardi’s theory of resemblance reinforces the premise of his idealistic approach and his interpretations indicate a kind of introspection. The current study avails itself of the capabilities of argumentative philosophy (rational philosophy) and intuitive philosophy (tasted philosophy) to refute the assumption and having explained the relationship between the essentialist intuition and realism, proposes Suhrewardi’s realism as Illuminative Realism. Hence, the idealistic approach of his rational philosophy is rejected with the theory of principality of intuition, and a direct realism shows up.
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(2016). Realism of Illumination ; A Reflection On Truth and Correspondence in the Philosophy of Illumination. The Mirror of Knowledge, 16(4), 19-38.
. "Realism of Illumination ; A Reflection On Truth and Correspondence in the Philosophy of Illumination". The Mirror of Knowledge, 16, 4, 2016, 19-38.
(2016). 'Realism of Illumination ; A Reflection On Truth and Correspondence in the Philosophy of Illumination', The Mirror of Knowledge, 16(4), pp. 19-38.
Realism of Illumination ; A Reflection On Truth and Correspondence in the Philosophy of Illumination. The Mirror of Knowledge, 2016; 16(4): 19-38.