Review on the Relationship between a Priori knowledge and Necessity
Document Type : Scientific-research
A Priori knowledge has many definitions in the West philosophy, most famous of them, is independence proposition, s justify than sensory experience.
Experience in the above definition, it means a surface and sensory experience, otherwise, this division disappears and there remains no instance of a prior statement.
Necessity in this article, means Vojoob - one of the trinal Mavadd presented in Logic-.
It seems that the plantinga, s separation between objective and propositional nessesity, has not any affect extensionally, although it is acceptable conceptually.
For author, there is essential relation between a prior knowledge and necessity, ie, all of a priori knowledge is essentially necessary. But this speech that there is not any a posteriori proposition contain the necessary knowledge and the necessary knowledge, is unique in a priori one, is a false speech – if the necessity means Vojoob, one of the trinal Mavadd - although necessary that means Jihah, has correlation with a priri knowledge.
مینار، لئون، 1370، شناسایی و هستی، ترجمة علیمراد داودی، چاپ سوم، تهران، انتشارات دهخدا.
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