The evolution of the principle of innocence from the perspective of the oligarchs

Document Type : Scientific-research




The principle of omniscience in the so-called jurisprudence is the verdict of non-approval of the obligation for the obligee in the case where the principle of existence is suspected to have substantiated the general conduit of the principle of omniscience in the assignment, and has considered it in all current sanctions and penalties. The Akhbaris regard this principle only in the current rumors and are cautious against the sanctions. Attention and contemplation in the view of earlier and later jurisprudential scholars shows the evolution and application of this principle in the history of Imamiyyah jurisprudence. Consideration of the views of earlier jurists such as Ibn Idris Hali, Sheikh al-Tusi, and Sheikh Mufidu. It shows that the principle of al-Shari'ah, or al-Shari'ah, has not been extensively discussed in religious matters today, although it has The earliest jurisprudential jurisprudence discussed the issue of the principle of virtue while discussing the subject of virtue and jurisprudence, but in later periods and the views of its jurisprudents, the two found a separate prestige from the concept of virtue, since the issue of jurisprudence and jurisprudence The earliest titles have been based on ijtihadic evidence, but in contrast to the discussion of the principle of justification (I), refers to the order in sentences is real doubt is therefore legal and permissible actual and apparent legal presumption of innocence. While it is argued that the sanctions are in doubt, it is justified in the sense of sanctions and sanctions. This evolution in the view of the mainstream jurists in later periods has been related to the complexities and needs of the present in explaining the religious laws. In view of the influence of the word of the Akhbaris in the past centuries and the lesser variety of religious issues at the time, the main jurists have neglected to discuss it.


  1. منابع و مراجع
  2. • قران کریم
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