The Problem of Personal Identity on the frame of the Theory of Soul’s Essential Motion

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Invited Teacher of Tehran University

2 Phd Student and scholar of Philosophy


the problem of personal identity as related to many ontological and epistemological concepts and discussions is an important issue. Some criterions about personal identity have been proposed which can be doubtable and discussable, even if they can be used to distinguish the personal identity epistemologically. In existential aspect of the discussion, some of philosophers has denied the existence of personal identity, and therefore, have gone beyond the discussion, while the others, accepting its basic concept, have gone to say that the criterion of personal identity is a physical criterion, and the others have said that is a physiological one such as the memory. However, between the philosophers saying that the criterion of personal identity is the abstract sprit or soul rather than the body or memory, Mulla Sadra believes on the essential motion of soul that makes it difficult to know how an essentially moving soul can be the criterion of personal identity. In other words, if the soul is always moving becoming different from the prior moment how its personal identity can be understood. Is seems that this dilemma can be solved throughout a deeper understanding of Mulla Sadra’s philosophy about essential motion and his divisions about it


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