Graduated from Azad University, North Tehran Branch
Faculty of Azad University, North Tehran Branch
Atib-ol-Bayan is an interpretation in Shia in Persian written by Ayat-ol-Allah Seyed Abdolhossein Tayeb who passed away on June, 1991. Although according to the author, some of the interpretational news are not to be assured of and also, the accuracy of the prophet Mohammad traditions is not traceable, every now and then narrations related to Emam (peace be with them) is abundant and narrations related to some of them is mentioned and invalid ones are not to be said. In interpretation of the verse of Zaher-ol-Dalaleh, which includes appearances and provisions, he is satisfied with the appearance and takes advantage of ahl-al-bayt and the holy prophet's narrations for achieving the essence of the verses of the holy Quran. As he states at the beginning of his interpretational work, narrations from the Emam are a trustworthy resource for his interpretation and he refers to narrations which are compatible with the verse in stating the meaning of the words or intention of the verse. According to him, interpretational narrations which are apparently contractive with the verse are indicators of the concept of the verse; however, he believes that in most of the cases, interpretational narrations indicate indicators of the concept of the verse and refers to them for eliminating ambiguity. To sum up, Tayeb could not be considered as merely reliable interpreters. The way the interpreter deals with narrations and his specific methods toward interpretational narrations is the topic being debated in the current essay.