In this article, at first, we conceder the Positivistic criterion about meaning and the Wittgenstein’s theory of meaning, namely Picture theory of meaning. Then refer to Swinburne’s criticism to this criterion. And then we deal with Coherence that for Swinburne is criterion to meaning. He believe that a meaningful sentence must make a claim about how things are. In this respect, He rejects positivistic view about religious language that theological propositions are not claims about reality. There we say that according to Swinburne the logical Coherence is really criterion to meaningfulness. According to Swinburne theological propositions are meaningful if and only they have logical coherence. Therefore, There is a God is coherent because in it there is not logical contradiction. In fact ,in Swinburne view, according to orthodoxy of believers God is a spirit without body and having a body is not necessary for being a person. In continuation we say that how this criterion work in theism. In the end, we criticize Swinburne’s view both about His criticism on positivism and about being a person.