The identification of what and why of the combined three cognitive sources including intellect, intuition and revelation in Ibn Abi Jumhur’s system of thought makes the analysis of the cognitive achievements of this system of thought more effective. Ibn Abi Jumhur, as a figure who has an important position in the integration of various theoretical branches in the light of the teachings of Imams, establishes his theory of cognition on a philosophical religious and mystical basis. This work was later completed by Mula Sadra Shirazi and was presented in the form of “cognitive unity of the of Quran content, Mysticism and logic” theory. In Ahsai’s thought system, there is a profound relevance and connection between intellect, heart and revelation. He believes that it is necessary to move from essential logical theorems to inherited divine perceptions. In that case, it is very likely to perceive secrets of sharia and understand the meanings of Sufism and truth. Intellect finds its way to heart through passing perfection. In fact, heart is another name for perfected intellect. Furthermore, about the relationship between sharia and intellect, he believes that religious law is external intellect and intellect is internal religious law. Therefore, they are not only associated with each other but they are also united.
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seraaj, S., & monfared, S. (2018). Authority and Role of “Cognitive Sources” in Ibn Abi Jumhur Ahsai’s thought. The Mirror of Knowledge, 18(1), 21-36.
shamso"allah seraaj; somayeh monfared. "Authority and Role of “Cognitive Sources” in Ibn Abi Jumhur Ahsai’s thought". The Mirror of Knowledge, 18, 1, 2018, 21-36.
seraaj, S., monfared, S. (2018). 'Authority and Role of “Cognitive Sources” in Ibn Abi Jumhur Ahsai’s thought', The Mirror of Knowledge, 18(1), pp. 21-36.
seraaj, S., monfared, S. Authority and Role of “Cognitive Sources” in Ibn Abi Jumhur Ahsai’s thought. The Mirror of Knowledge, 2018; 18(1): 21-36.