In this paper, we have tried to study the death and its relationship with sin, in the comparative approach, from the perspective of St. Augustine and Mulla Sadra. Scrutiny these two views, Indicates that St Augustine, according to Christianity, especially the teachings of Paul, introduces death as the basis of the original sin. He even introduces sin as the cause of death. He believes that God created man in such a way that, if he did not commit sins He enjoyed eternal life without the intermediary of death. He also following Plato believes that corporeal death is Separation soul of the body and he believes this is not natural death, it is imposed by Adam and Eve's sin. But Mulla Sadra, however, agrees with Augustine in this regard that human voluntary sins can cause death of the soul and eternal death of man, But he don’t accept the effect of the original. Mulla Sadra also accepts the descentsion of man on earth but he believes the reason for this is the expedient that is the same divine caliph is on earth. In addition, Mulla Sadra believes that, Natural death is the stage of human perfection which has already started with Substantial motion
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jabbareh naseru, M., & kakaie, Q. (2018). Comparative study of the relationship between death and sin in the St. Augustine and Mulla Sadra’s works. The Mirror of Knowledge, 18(1), 37-62.
mahbubeh jabbareh naseru; qasem kakaie. "Comparative study of the relationship between death and sin in the St. Augustine and Mulla Sadra’s works". The Mirror of Knowledge, 18, 1, 2018, 37-62.
jabbareh naseru, M., kakaie, Q. (2018). 'Comparative study of the relationship between death and sin in the St. Augustine and Mulla Sadra’s works', The Mirror of Knowledge, 18(1), pp. 37-62.
jabbareh naseru, M., kakaie, Q. Comparative study of the relationship between death and sin in the St. Augustine and Mulla Sadra’s works. The Mirror of Knowledge, 2018; 18(1): 37-62.