Fakhr al-Din Razi is one of the pioneers of theology and an eminent commentator of the holy Quran who lived in the sixth and seventh centuries AH. The present study seeks to reveal the relationship between God and nature in Fakhr Razi's interpretive views. In this regard, there is strong evidence showing that Fakhr Razi's God is not committed to the laws of nature. Rather His will can turn out to be contrary to the laws of nature. In addition, Fakhr Razi denies the influence of nature and its mediatory role in divine action. The author of "The Great Interpretation" relies on a God that everything can be attributed to his infinite power. He feels no need for providing natural explanations for the world phenomena. More than that, he assumes a critical view of the naturalist explanations of nature, and tries to identify their weaknesses. He puts emphasis on the necessity of attributing the world phenomena to a capable and willful God.