A Survey of Origins of Optional Determination of Concrete Entity

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Faculty member of Shahid Beheshti University

2 PhD student of Shahid Beheshti University


Does the mystics’ analysis of the way concrete entity is constituted and formed include the optional determination of the reality of authority of concrete entity? Most mystics believe that the concrete entity of autonomous beings has all the affirmed capacities at the level of the innate knowledge of the Supreme Being, from the beginning to the present, inherently, unchangeable and fixed. In fact, the truth of free will of the concrete entity of autonomous beings is an intrinsic part of the requirements of concrete entities. According to the rule of " الذاتی لایعلّل", the authority of concrete entities is not determining and originating. This theory is necessarily deterministic. The present study has taken a critical stance toward the one-dimensional view (quality of limited mood) that considers the affirmed requirements of the concrete entity as the outcome of the mystical causal order (epenthesis conditional mood) as a result of the process of merging names. Adopting a rational analytical method and adhering to the religious principles, we try to support the thesis that the scientific agent in this process is the refinement and determination of the three names of knowledge, power and will of the Supreme Being consistent with the affirmed capacity of the concrete entity. The conclusion is that the proposed thesis is consistent with the theory of intermediate position (Amri bain al-Amrain).


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