Philosophical Rules and Ontology of Monotheism in Al-Mizan Exegesis

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Level 4 student of Fatemeh Al-Zahra Higher Education Institution in Isfahan (Khorasgan)

2 Faculty member of Isfahan University


Philosophy is one of those disciplines which have either been countered by critics and opponents or approved by proponents. Some have considered philosophical rules baseless while others have emphasized their role in giving depth to our understanding of Quranic verses and traditions. One way to demonstrate the use of these principles in the interpretation of religious texts is the study of Quranic commentaries which have a philosophic orientation. Al-Mizan exegesis written by a philosopher commentator can show the application of philosophy in deepening our understanding of the noble verses of the Qur'an. In the present article, we examine the application of philosophical rules in the interpretation of the verses related to divine monotheism in a descriptive-analytical method. The conclusion is that philosophical principles have a great role to play in the interpretation of religious texts. In his interpretation of verses 73-84 of An'am, Allameh Tabatabai has illustrated the argument of Ibrahim on the oneness of God by proposing the rule of "the need of cause to an effect in the conservation phase". He has also used the rule of "a giver cannot be without an object" and the rule of "the consonance between cause and effect" in the interpretation of verse 258 of Al-Baghareh, and the rejection of Nimrod's argument that he gives life and death. To explain the argument of restraint in the interpretation of verse 22 of Al-Anbiya, he has used "the uniqueness of the abstract type" and "the consonance between cause and effect".


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