Assessment of Experience of Beauty or Platonic Love as the Numinous Experience

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Faculty member of Tehran University

2 Master of Philosophy of Religion, University of Tehran


The issue of the article is defend the claim that the experience of Beauty or Platonic love can be considered the numinous experience. First, the article explain Otto’s view on numinous experiences. Then it explain Plato’s view on Beauty and love. Finally, comparing the two views, the article will show that the experience of Beauty or Platonic love can be considered the numinous experience. Because, firstly, the experience of Beauty or Platonic love is an awareness of a “wholly other” being, which possesses all or at least the most prominent features of the numinous awareness. Secondly, Beauty as the object of this awareness also possess all or at least the most prominent features of the numen. Therefore, the experience of Beauty is the very experience of the numen.


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