God's wisdom and will and the relationship between the two from in Ibn Sina and Descartes

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Bu-Ali Sina University

2 Faculty member of Hamadan Farhangian University


the discussion of divine information and how to define , describe and explain them is of the most important and fundamental issues in words and philosophy during the history of human thought . among the divine attributes which are subject to many scientific controversies , the quality of science and will and the relationship between them are . Is the science of will ? or does it not involve the science and its function ? in other words , is the action of the independent subject immediately after reason and is only caused by it , or that it is sufficient for realization of an act of will of will to it and there is no necessity for the interference of reason . in this paper , the analytical - analytical method of reason and the relation between them are studied from the viewpoint of sheikh ‌ ibn Sina and Rene Descartes . according to ibn Sina , reason is preceded by the will and effect of the cause and effect of the cause and effect on all events and in his view the system of creation is good , but Descartes , contrary to Ibn Sina , has the will on reason - both in man and in God . In Descartes ' view , God is the creator of entities
and the quiddities maker's . Thus , in his view , even the eternal truths depend on the will of God


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