A Study of the Ascension and Descent of Jesus in the Qur'an Relying on the Christian Background

Document Type : Original Article


Kharazmi University faculty member (responsible author)


The common understanding of the Quranic statement “God raised Jesus up toward Himself” is the ascension of Jesus to heaven alive, where He stands. However, some contemporary intellectuals have claimed that the Qur'an does not mean that Jesus ascended to heaven alive, but rather that Jesus was raised in spirit to a higher status. The present study shows that the claim of Jesus' death and the denial of his ascension to heaven, regardless of the Christian background of the story, can be justified, because the Qur'an explicitly states in two instances that God received Jesus. The word used in the Qur'an in these two instances can refer to ordinary death. Nevertheless, the statements of the Qur'an should be interpreted in accordance with the mentality of the audience, as consistent with Christian beliefs, which confirms the ascension of Jesus. In Christianity, belief in the ascension of Jesus has a clear history, and if the Qur'an did not mean the famous ascent, it would divert the minds of the audience by presenting a clear reason. So there is no reason for audience’s mind to turn away from the living ascension, and the verses that say God received Jesus can be understood to mean receiving him alive. On this basis, the Quranic verses can be understood as indicating the return of Jesus.


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