study of truth and justifiability of theories of Quran's miracle in terms of theories of received tradition in Epistemology
Document Type : Scientific-research
Quran's miracle as the last prophet's proof of claim verification of prophetic mission and challenging the verse, has had a great position within insider religious controversies specifically in Kalam, oration and advertising religion. Nowadays, the development of disciplines makes the outsider study of Quran's miracle necessary particularly that of which is related to truth and justifiability of Quran's miracle in terms of theories of received tradition in Epistemology. Epistemology as a fundamental approach in modern philosophy is seeking possibility, boundary and conditions of human knowledge. With due attention to plurality of interpreting the thaumaturgy of Quran, it is momentous to understand what sort of relation is there between that claim and Epistemology? In this context, would it be possible to study the thaumaturgy of Quran in terms of Epistemology? Therefore, on one hand, the study of meaning, denotation and instance of Quran's thaumaturgy in interpreting tradition and, in other hand, the study of epistemological foundations of possibility and meaning of thaumaturgy in terms of classical theories in Epistemology (e.g. Coherentism, Correspondence theory and Pragmatism), is an assorted subject to research. Epistemological scrutiny toward Quran's thaumaturgy, on one hand, will explicate the epistemic consequences of that claim in interpreting tradition and, in other hand, enrich the connection between Epistemology and Quran's studies.
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(2016). study of truth and justifiability of theories of Quran's miracle in terms of theories of received tradition in Epistemology. The Mirror of Knowledge, 16(3), 15-48.
. "study of truth and justifiability of theories of Quran's miracle in terms of theories of received tradition in Epistemology", The Mirror of Knowledge, 16, 3, 2016, 15-48.
(2016). 'study of truth and justifiability of theories of Quran's miracle in terms of theories of received tradition in Epistemology', The Mirror of Knowledge, 16(3), pp. 15-48.
study of truth and justifiability of theories of Quran's miracle in terms of theories of received tradition in Epistemology. The Mirror of Knowledge, 2016; 16(3): 15-48.