PhD student, Azad University of Science and Research, Tehran Branch
faculty member University of Tehran
The aim of this study is to examine the meaning of life at the view point of Aristotle and the role of pleasure in reach to it with a descriptive- analysis method. Aristotle makes deep connection between pleasure and meaning of life. The fulfilled life is necessary and sufficient conditions for a meaningful life. Meaning that pleasure accompanies and supplement it. He believes that, reaching fulfilled life introduces as goal and summom bonum and, states the relationship between pleasure and the meaning of life. He introduces Virtue as the way to reach fulfilled life. Virtues have two categories: intellectual and moral. The intellectual are premier than moral because they are humans special functionality and as the same way the pleasures of their are purer, so we should search the meaning of life primarily. He accepts pleasure as the necessary and insufficient condition for fulfilled life. So we don’t live for reaching pleasure, but we live for reaching ultimate fulfilled life, that in its shadow we could have the best pleasure. Some of his research in psychology, in deals with the immaterial and immortal intellect position according to this view, he believes that pleasure and meaning relationship still stable after death