Check Ash'arites theory about the Word of God

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 PhD student of Payame Noor University

2 Faculty of Payame Noor University

3 Faculty of Payame Noorqam University



Discussion about the truth of God's word for a word attributed to God's nature Vtasyrgstrdh profoundly personal and social life of believers extraordinary importance is in
On this occasion, this study examined the theory that differs from the norm Ash'arites the truth of God's word is accepted by Muslims, were developed
The latter theory first substantive word that the Word of God, eternal and ancient, soul Vghyrlfzy, single, distinct from the will of science, know-mentioned non-transferable Vghyrhal
Dradlh conceptual framework, then their arguments to prove the properties of the Word of God expressed in the verses of the Quran and traditions transmitted Baastzhar intellectual Vdrnv often with two green division Ady Vtmsyl to prove themselves.
Finally, the paper by analyzing and critiquing their theories and principles, as well as Vabtal case their arguments to the conclusion shewas theory about the truth of the Word of God is Ash'arites chain are interdependent.
Sports Basft old deem the Word of God from there to the Word of God and finally to Sayrvyzhgyha breath Baabtal They reached first base other branches Shvndzmn domino nullifies that rational arguments are very weak public-transcript proved Ady is not their suppliers.
As well as the theory of verbal word soul has Pyamdhavlvazm opposed to accepted principles of Muslims as denying the revelation of God's word in the Bible is Vtnzl it as far as human speech.


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