The inherent dignity, Intellect and humanism, Islam and western context (by emphasizing Motahari and Hobbes, Locke, Spinoza and berlin beliefs)

Document Type : Scientific-research


Islamic Azad University-Tehran North Branch


Right after medieval ages in the west and when freedom became a recurrent problem and gaining importance as a significant value, religion and freedom were investigated by Islamic scholars and researchers. This study is an attempt to investigate the foundations of freedom within different Islamic schools of thought. Shiite sect was defined as an existing sect possessing the foundations of freedom thought based on reasoning. In addition various reasons from Islam's school of thought with regard to considering freedom as a natural right will be investigated.
The author attempts to investigate both similarities and differences between Islam's and West's schools of thoughts with regard to freedom as one of the human's inherent rights using a comparative framework. Actually, humanism is considered to be the origin of freedom in Western schools of thought; however, it is human's intellect that is considered as the origin of freedom in Islam. The human is allowed to develop and ascend through his own freedom. In fact, while blowing his soul into human, the God has taught him to be a free being. From Islamic point of view, freedom is regarded as one of the components of prosperity and bliss geometry and the problem has been treated as a puzzle and geometrical issue. Values such as freedom, justice, security, wealth, etc. are not regarded as independent and parallel. The difference between Islam's and West's perspective with regard to inherent dignity will result in differences within the realm of freedom.From a western perspective being based upon Humanism, others' freedom is regarded as the limits of one's freedom. However, from an Islamic perspective based upon reason, the limitsof freedom include individual's benefits, society's benefits and existing from the boundaries of reason as well as others' freedom. Moreover, the factors contributing to maintenance of freedom will be investigated.


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