Review the concept of “The virtue of theology” in the school of separation (Relying on the view of Mirza Mehdi Isfahani and Sheikh Mahmoud Halabi)

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Faculty of Farabi Campus University

2 Faculty member of Qom University

3 Farabi Campus University Board Member


Allah’s natural knowledge in the school of Mirza Mehdi Isfahani and their followers refers to an epistemology that is the opposite of rational knowledge and to achieve this knowledge, person must be dissolving all thoughts from all rational arguments so that the theme of any kind of argument and thoughts separated.
In this study, By rejecting this theory, has been proven that, the true meaning of natural knowledge is to confess God's Almighty Exaltation clear and obvious, and there is no need to making complicated and difficult arguments long. In this very simplicity and clarity, interpretation too, the type of knowledge, is Rational but while in the school of separation, The Kind of claim, is in another way, And rational reasoning is falsified. He cited the knowledge of the heart in this kind of knowledge, believed that, the nature of God known directly. So any intermediary rushes away, between the mystic and the famous. While examining his arguments by giving narrations, we proved that the kind of knowledge is also being rational.


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