Faculty of the Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies
Faculty of Shahid Beheshti University
This paper studies three contemporary Iranian thinkers’ hermeneutic approaches to the Qur’an and their orientations to modern hermeneutic trends. Allameh Tabataba’i argues that the Qur’an contains several meanings each of which determined by God’s intention. Accordingly, Allameh is close to romantic hermeneutics. Soroush argues that the meaning of the Qur’an, like any other text, is independent from the author’s intention, therefore he is consistent with philosophical hermeneutics. Finally, Mojtahed Shabestari, in some of his writings, argues for the original meaning of the Qur’an. Nevertheless, he accepts the possibility of different valid interpretations and borrows some aspects of romantic hermeneutics and some of philosophical hermeneutics.
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Ghaedi, ., & vaezi, A. (2018). Allameh Tabataba’i, Soroush and Mojtahed Shabestari Modern Hermeneutics Discourse; Plurality and Objectivity of the Qu’anic Meaning. The Mirror of Knowledge, 18(3), 109-138.
ٍEsamil Ghaedi; asghar vaezi. "Allameh Tabataba’i, Soroush and Mojtahed Shabestari Modern Hermeneutics Discourse; Plurality and Objectivity of the Qu’anic Meaning". The Mirror of Knowledge, 18, 3, 2018, 109-138.
Ghaedi, ., vaezi, A. (2018). 'Allameh Tabataba’i, Soroush and Mojtahed Shabestari Modern Hermeneutics Discourse; Plurality and Objectivity of the Qu’anic Meaning', The Mirror of Knowledge, 18(3), pp. 109-138.
Ghaedi, ., vaezi, A. Allameh Tabataba’i, Soroush and Mojtahed Shabestari Modern Hermeneutics Discourse; Plurality and Objectivity of the Qu’anic Meaning. The Mirror of Knowledge, 2018; 18(3): 109-138.