Applying the Phenomenological Suspension Approach to Understanding the Quran; New Attitudes in the Concept of Imamate based on verse 79 of Hajar Surah

Document Type : Scientific-research


Faculty of Tehran University


The confrontation of Shi'ism with another Islamic distinction in the context of verbal discussions has more than any other topic on the subject of Imamate. Therefore, the precise and accurate foundation of Imamat's discussions and the inclusion of the gravity of these discussions on the Holy Qur'an has always been the focus of attention of the great Shi'a scholars in the fields of theology, philosophy and interpretation. In this regard, the present research, based on the phenomenological suspension method, means the seizure and suspension of any verdict on the object being studied and the mere attention to the description of what appeared in the field of consciousness, in the verse 79 of the surah of Hajar as the central verse Among the three categories of verses in this chapter, he recounts. This phenomenological study shows the unity of the narrative style governing these three categories of verses and the correspondence between their elements. Accordingly, Imamate means to form and formulate a collection and maintain its durability and survival. This meaning in all Quranic verses the word "Imam" provides a meaningful meaning in accordance with the Qur'anic status and consistent with Quranic teachings. This approach combines the meanings of the dispersed meanings of Imamate in the fields of the word, theology and the interpretation of the meaning of the discussions of the Imamate on the Holy Quran and the attention to the Imam's attributes in it, serves a wider circle of the verses and the ability to plan the subject of Imamate in the discourse of belief Shiite extraterritoriality and against the flow of Quranicity and is effective in strengthening the concepts mentioned in the Shi'a narratives around the Imamate.


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