Leibniz’s View of Human Free-Will and Its Critique by Allameh Tabatabaii

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Faculty member of Payame Noor University of Tehran

2 qum university


The concept of free-will is an important and old philosophical issue that most religions have paid attention to, and philosophers of religion have contemplated on the issue adopting a new perspective. The present article is an attempt to present, review and criticize Leibniz’s view, and tries to answer the question whether, in Leibnitz philosophical system, man has free will or whether it is a sort of Spinosian practical necessity that govern it? Leibniz, in order not to renounce man’s free-will, divides necessity into two types: the supernatural necessity (geometrical) and the moral necessity. God is qualified with the attribute of goodness and so, in the creation of creatures, He will observe the ideal of perfection, and the necessity of this consideration is the power of choice. Creatures are only conditioned by necessity, and the necessity is not inherent to them, and this positive necessity stablishes their authority. Allameh Tabatabaii also considers free-will as an instinctive phenomenon and states that the rule of the necessity of an object not available does not contradict free-will.


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